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New UK Public Company Listing Rules Expected by End of the Year
The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) aims to finalise new rules for UK company public listings by the end of the year. New rules around dual class share structures, free float quotas and minimum market capitalisation will be introduced following a public consultation on public listing rules that closed last month.
UK FCA Proposes to Open Investment Opportunities in Longer-Term Assets
Market opportunities could be opened for investors including Defined Contribution (DC) pension schemes to invest in a range of longer-term liquid assets, under a series of proposals released by the UK Financial Conduct Authority.

Commission Releases Legislative Proposals for Changes to EU Insurance and Reinsurance Regulation
Insurers and reinsurers operating in the EU will be subject to amended solvency rules, new rules regarding risk assessment and management of climate-related risks, a new cross-border resolution mechanism for distressed insurers and a more harmonised EU-level supervisory framework.
New Criteria Released for Large Exposure Breaches by Banks and Credit Institutions
Banks and credit institutions operating in the EU will need to adjust internals guidelines to take into account new pre-defined criteria issued by the European Banking Authority (EBA) to deal with situations when they exceed the exposure limits to particular clients
European Commission Adopts New Rules for Retail and Insurance Investment Products
The European Commission has published an updated Delegated Regulation and supporting Annexes to amend the regulatory technical standards (RTS) for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs).
New EU ESG Reporting Laws Should Allow Simplified Reporting for Small to Medium Institutions
New proposed rules that extend the scope of corporate sustainability reporting and make them obligatory should take into account the need for a simplified process of reporting for small and medium-sized credit institutions.

EU Moves Further Towards the Regulation of Finance AI and High Frequency Trading
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has produced a series of recommendations on a proposed EU Regulation on the use of algorithmic trading, including high-frequency trading (HFT).
As the EU Continues to Debate a Consolidated Tape for Equities, AFME Backs Commission on Real-Time Data
The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has backed European Commission plans for a real time consolidated tape on equities and debt trades throughout Europe.